My House Appeared
DAEBO Group is offering not only financial support but also talent of each affiliate, including human/material support, for our neighbors in need. For instance, we open the green lawn to the public and the fairway for a parking 사설 바카라lot during the Green Concert.
Particularly, in 2017
we donated talent to 'My House Appeared', a renovation TV show
by JTBC for neighbors
who have poor residential environment.
Based on expertise and experiences in building
more than 30,000 apartment units, DAEBO Engineering & Construction removed old houses and provided
new places to live for 8 months in Ganghwado, Yeoju, Dongducheon, Paju, and Boeun for people who shared their life stories with viewers.
JTBC TV Show, My House Appeared
DAEBO Group shared with neighbors the grass of the golf course and trees for landscaping too.
In 2017, we donated talent to 'My House Appeared', a renovation TV show by JTBC for neighbors who have poor residential 바카라 이기는 법environment. On February 10, the show needed lawn grass for a new house in Yeoju. The person in charge of the building project recalled Seowon Valley Country Club and sent a request. Out course maintenance team immediately came to help and removed part of the lawn to the site.
Sharing the lawn grass
In the year of 2000, Korea suffered from a serious drought. We had to supply 1,500 tons of water to the golf course so as to maintain the green lawn. Nevertheless, we decided to supply 500 tons of water every day to neighboring farmland except the minimum amount of water for the green and tee box.
Planting of the lawn grass
Opening of the Daebo iccardo RMuti
Room in 2016 at Gyeonggi Arts Center
We remodeled the 'Daebo Riccardo Muti Room'
in Suwon Gyeonggi Cultural Hall.
In 2016, as part of our social contribution activities, DAEBO Engineering & Construction remodeled a waiting room of Gyeonggi Arts Center, Suwon, into the Daebo Riccardo Muti Room for the visit of Riccardo Muti, the world's famous conductor and music director of Chicago Symphony. Currently, the room is used by great masters of classical music before performances.
Seowon Valley Country Club has offered to
hold a wedding ceremony every 바카라 이기는 법year free of charge for couples
from multicultural families in tough financial circumstances.
2022 Seowon Valley multi-cultural family
joint wedding ceremony
Amorrainbow Tunnel, a landmark facility of Seowon Hills South Course, is provided as
a place for weddings.
Since 2013, Many couples had their wedding ceremony and we have promoted childbirth by offering a university scholarship to the third child of a couple who tied the knot at the Club.
In addition, Hawnggan Service Area of DAEBO Distribution, in cooperation with Korea Expressway Corporation, prepares outdoor wedding ceremonies free of charge for couples in difficult financial circumstances.
바카라 이기는 법In this way, DAEBO Group has generously supported individuals and groups in need, including the local community, persons with disabilities, multi-cultural families, and artists.
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