사설 바카라



The green color, representing nature and life, expresses the reliability of the company.

DAEBO's word mark is composed of an oval, which 사설 바카라symbolizes prosperity, infinite creation, and unity, and two dynamic lines which resembles
alphabet letters D and B. The oval expresses the company's gentleness
and stability while the two dynamic, modern lines show our adventurous, enterprising spirit as well as future-oriented attitudes.


Along with the symbol mark, the CI colors of DAEBO Group, carefully chosen for the corporate image, is a key element of our CI communication.

In principle, four primary 바카라 하는 곳colors should be used for printing, but application of a spot color may be allowed depending on the medium used. Color reproduction may be subject to slight variation depending on the property of a medium, but efforts shall be made in order to replicate the colors provided above.
  • Green
    바카라 이기는 법 PANTONE 3537C 4 primary colors C95% + Y100% + K55% RGB R0 + G91 + B35
  • Blue
    Spot color PANTONE 540C 4 primary colors C100% + M50% + K70% RGB R0 + G48 + B80


The core values of hausD are
Diversity, Dignity, and Difference,
aiming at creating spaces where people can pursue meaningful life rather than
just ordinary, mundane residential space.

The diversity of hausD promotes affection and friendship enjoyed by
individuals who have varied lifestyles, and dignity motivates the brand to
offer unique services based on trust and faith, which helps create
a high-quality urban lifestyle. Difference indicates that the brand aims for differentiation driven 바카라 후기by sustainability and pursuit of aesthetic value.


The signature, combination of the hausD symbol and logotype, shall be used according to the following combination rules in order to maintain formativeness and unity. In principle, the signature shall be reproduced by digital printing based on computer data so as to maintain consistency but, if this is impossible, photoengraving based on BI reproduction materials or other ways of reproduction 바카라 하는 곳based on the rules provided herein may be applied to ensure accuracy.